Investment and Dilution: Bench2Market Talk

Webinar GA, United States

This interactive webinar will review the basics of equity negotiation, fundraising, and dilution for life science start-ups. Our speaker, James Stubbs, Ph.D. has over 20 years of commercialization experience, has held senior executive roles in five medical device start-ups, teaches medical device design at Georgia Tech, and is an active private investor. Register Here This […]

Securing Investment for Your Startup: Bench2Market Talk

Webinar GA, United States

Securing funding for your early-stage startup can be one of the most challenging aspects of entrepreneurship. In addition to providing funds for your startup to develop and grow, investors often play a key role in company management and strategy. Join us for an interactive panel discussion with investors from a variety of firms to learn […]

Journeys through the Trenches: Bench2Market Talk

Thinking about spinning your technology out of the lab? First-time academic entrepreneurs can be daunted by the dual pressures of starting a company while maintaining their research and teaching responsibilities […]

Bench2Market Talks: Protecting your Innovation

Webinar GA, United States

Join us on December 15th for a seminar on Intellectual Property (IP) strategy for academic entrepreneurs. Sarah Wilkening, Ph.D., and Rusty Close from Troutman Pepper will cover topics including ownership of IP, what makes an invention patentable, how to evaluate prior art, and what it means to have the freedom to operate in a technology […]

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