Congratulations to Biolocity graduate company, Sanquina, on their newly announced collaboration with AstraZeneca on a study to develop a custom version of AnemoCheck Mobile, a smartphone application that provides noninvasive and equipment-free hemoglobin levels for patients with anemia of chronic kidney disease. Learn more about the collaboration here.
The AnemoCheck/Sanguina Team, Dr. Wilbur Lam and Erika Tyburski, received support from the Biolocity program (then the Coulter Translational Program) in 2016. We are excited for their continued success and this new collaboration with AstraZeneca!
“Biolocity enabled us to receive an FDA 510(k) clearance on our first generation product. We couldn’t have done it without the support of Biolocity.”
– Erika Tyburski, AnemoCheck
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